Group Tutoring For Schools

High-Impact Virtual Tutoring
Here at Cignition, we understand the limitations placed on student learning when using an on-demand support model. Instruction centered around deep conceptual understanding encourages productive struggle and allows students to develop core academic, critical-thinking, and communication skills vital to long-term success. Our program is built, implemented, and managed by former educators who can shape the student journey in collaboration with school staff. To get an idea of how different our high-impact tutoring is from the on-demand approach, you can download our infographic by clicking the button below.
- Schools are encouraged to schedule sessions during the school day, but they can be held before/after school and on weekends
- Ideally, students attend tutoring sessions on the school campus; however, they can attend from home if desired
- Students attend sessions to work with the same tutor during the entire school year or semester
- Minimum of 1.5 hours of tutoring per week and a total of at least 25 hours of tutoring per semester
- Small group instruction with 1:1 tutoring as an option
- Group size varies per grade level (2-4 students per tutor)
- Students are grouped homogeneously according to academic need
Tech Requirements
One device per student
- Network-enabled Chromebook or laptop (with working camera and microphone) no more than three years old
NOTE: iPads (no more than three years old) or desktop computers with a microphone and webcam may be used only if Chromebooks or laptops aren't available.
- Adequate bandwidth (a minimum of 5 Mbps is required for each connected device)
- Wired headphones (required) with mic (recommended)
You can find full details surrounding our technology requirements by clicking here.
On-site staff to serve as room monitors in the spaces where the virtual tutoring takes place (required).
With this starter kit, you'll get a snapshot of our program, an overview of our tech requirements to share with your IT team, and answers to FAQs.
Here we provide insight into our approach toward math instruction and learning. You'll also have an opportunity to review a few sample lesson plans.
From Counting and Cardinality (K.CC) through Operations and Algebraic Thinking (5.OA), take a deep dive into what concepts we cover for elementary math.
From Ratios and Proportional Relationships (6.RP) through The Number System (8.SP), take a deep dive into what concepts we cover for middle school math.
In addition to college test prep (SAT, ACT, GRE) - we cover algebra through calculus. Take a deep dive into what concepts we cover for high school math.
Here we provide insight into our asset-based approach to reading and language acquisition. You'll also have an opportunity to review four different sample lesson plans.
Using the Science of Reading research approach, we ensure students learn the fundamentals of phonics and word recognition. Take a deep dive into what concepts we cover for elementary school ELA.
Expanding vocabulary and furthering the presentation of knowledge and ideas are vital parts of our curriculum for students. Take a deep dive into what concepts we cover for middle school ELA.
Our high school students will explore: Text Types and Purposes, Conventions of Standard English, Vocabulary Acquisition and Use, and much more.
Impact Your Students Today
Empower your students to achieve the success they’re capable of and match them with the right tutor - inside or outside of the classroom!